
Your Key to Success: Top Injection Mold Manufacturer in China

Industrial plastic is one of the main materials common in production in top injection mold manufacturers in China from the most diverse segments around the world. Versatile polymers are able to meet varied needs with great quality.

The ease and speed of production

Among the main reasons that lead to the adoption of plastic in industrial processes is the ease and speed of production. Using molding techniques, it is possible to mass-produce in record time, when compared to other raw materials.

This practicality, however, can only achieve by carrying out a series of steps that ensure the suitability for different projects and a quality service capable of meeting the needs.

Below, we present you with these steps, increasing your knowledge about the thermoplastic molding process. You can make even more assertive decisions and stand out from your competition.

The best top injection mold manufacturer in China

The design chosen for your part or product is essential to achieve a satisfactory molding, paying attention to the following factors:

  • Thickness of the mold walls – which must be constant throughout the part;
  • Eliminate unnecessary parts – whenever it is possible to eliminate components without any loss to the design, eliminate;
  • Adjust the size – the measurements must be adequate to avoid distortions and loss of capacity of the parts. If necessary, divide the project into more parts;
  • Respect the thickness of each material – different plastic resins have maximum and minimum thicknesses to achieve the results, respect the characteristics of each material;
  • Take care of transitions – eliminate sharp transitions in the design in top injection mold manufacturers in China that cause tension in molded plastic;
  • Beware of Straight Corners – Straight edges weaken parts due to molded tension common by resin flow. Prefer to work with curves;
  • Beware of thick sections – thick sections with screw holes can cause sags and voids in your part;
  • Be careful with the fillets – count on support resources for the pieces in your design;
  • Be careful with the ribs – the ribs must not exceed 60% of the wall thickness, under the risk of causing sags;
  • Beware of Vertical Walls – Vertical walls should be as sloped as possible to facilitate mold ejection.
  • Prefer cavities – cavities are a better option than ribs as they allow for the maintenance of thickness in the part.

Sketch (as much as possible):

Even with all the care in the top injection mold manufacturers in China. It is important to make more than one design draft, always looking to correct and improve. This is an important measure that helps to achieve maximum quality and efficiency.

The more the thermoplastic injection partner understands what it needs. The better it will be able to offer solutions that meet its needs, bring productivity gains, and reduce costs.

Top Injection molding manufacturer for your product

Each product that passes through the thermoplastic injection molding machine is unique in its characteristics and intentions. It is important to remember that there are a number of established solutions that are easy to be adopted by your top injection mold manufacturer in China.

Talk to your supplier and check the best suitable options for your parts, in order to offer the best resistance and suitability for your goals. This is an important detail that directly impacts the final result.

Check for logos or texts on industrial plastic parts

It is common for companies to want to identify their components. On plastic, this is easy to do during molding and offering textured identifications.

The texts and logos that will be applied must count in the design. They will be part of the mold common in the top injection mold manufacturer in China.

Check for thin edges in injection molding:

Edges can be a challenge to achieve quality industrial plastic molding. When thin, they restrict flow, leading to breakage and other handling defects.

It is important that all these details are checked with trained professionals. Following are the suggested changes.

Check for pieces that fit together:

Having identical parts that fit together and are complete is always a good solution when we are talking about plastic injection.

In this way, it is possible to use the same mold, generating savings and increasing the productivity and speed of the process. It is always necessary to verify the existence of these components to achieve these effects.

The expectation from injection mold manufacturer to meet all needs

When choosing the top injection mold manufacturer in China, the expectation for components, and products with industrial plastic, is to have a result that is able to meet all needs.

For this result to be possible, it is essential to study the tolerance and resistance of the project, as well as the potential resins to be common. This study must be done before the molding begins, avoiding waste of resources.

Choose the suitable material

After taking all the care with the design, paying attention to critical points that can compromise the entire final result, it is time to choose the resin that will be common in the injection of thermoplastics.

There are many top injection mold manufacturers in China found on the market today that have different characteristics, which must be taken into account considering the design, functionality, and expectations of manufacturers simultaneously.

Choose dyes

Industrial plastic welcomes most colors, and these specific dyes are common that do not change the composition or structure of the material and guarantee results for the entire life cycle of the product.

When the preference for colors that are outside the basic palettes, it is possible to achieve the desired result through studies and mixtures of different tones, remembering that the amount of dye applied and how it will be manipulated vary from resin to resin.

Choosing resin additives:

Although plastic resins are able to meet most of the needs of industries, in some cases, it is necessary to reinforce characteristics, such as chemical and physical resistance, malleability, among others, through the application of additives.

Among the main additives common, the following is easy to highlight:

  • Glass fibers;
  • Carbon fiber;
  • Minerals;
  • Teflon;
  • Aramid wound;
  • UV inhibitors, etc.

Industrial plastics: the best choice for your product

If plastic is one of the main raw materials in the top injection mold manufacturer in China today, this is due to its stupendous versatility and quality to meet the most varied objectives and needs.

For this, however, the material needs to be correctly worked, not only counting on suitable molding machinery but also making adjustments in designs, choosing the right resin, and using other products to adjust the final result, such as dyes and additives.


Injection Mold Maker in China That Wins Customers

Why are plastic injection moldings important today?

Injection mold maker in China can produce different products common in our daily lives in objects such as remote controls, appliances, children’s toys, etc.! But have you ever wondered how the plastic injection molding process is carried out? Now we will answer your question!

Molding performs using a molten material, which can be glass, metal, rubber, plastic, etc. A mold fills with this material under pressure and then cools, thus causing plastic molding.

In this article, we are going to talk about plastic injection molding, so the common molten material is plastic resin.

History of the first injection mold maker in China

The first plastic injection moldings were carried out in the early 1870s, producing billiard balls. Later, this technologically advanced and the new product could be developed.

This process involves different elements of our daily lives. Plastic injection molding produces from cups and children’s toys to military and automotive products. To know everything about this subject, follow our article!

How does injection molding work?

As stated earlier, this process uses a molten material to create the molds. In the case of plastic injection molding, the plastic resin is common, which is initially melted until it reaches the molten state.

The raw material is pulled into the machine through a hopper, using gravity to feed the material. Afterward, the material passes into a cylinder until it reaches the heater so that it leaves the solid-state for the melt.

Soon after, the material is injected through a nozzle under pressure, which directs it to the mold, which is subjected to high pressure, and from there, the material cools to hard.

When hardened, the part removes from the mold. This process takes about a minute or less.

What are the main plastics common?

For many injection mold makers in China thermoplastics are the main ones common in this process. They melt easily at high temperatures and can be reheated more times.

In addition, they have properties that allow the use of chemical additives that change color and can color with glitter.


Discover the main common thermoplastics

Nylon: It is one of the main resins common for the manufacture of fabrics, food packaging, and automotive parts.

Polypropylene (PP): It is one of the main ones common all over the world. It has outstanding characteristics such as chemical resistance, flexibility, and insulation.

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS): It is commonly common for applications that require a tough exterior and thermal stability. It is the thermoplastic that has the lowest cost.

HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene): Thermoplastic with high impact resistance and stability, generally common for signage. It can glue and can also receive the addition of products to change the final aesthetic, in addition to having low cost.

Polycarbonate: It is an alternative that has resistance and lower cost. It is naturally transparent, which allows its use in bulletproof glass and medical use, such as test tubes, beakers, and pipettes.

What problems can you face in plastic injection?

We know that in any process, there are certain disadvantages in not choosing the injection mold maker in China who really has a well-structured process. Now please see more info below:

  • The initial cost can be high, so the importance of looking for partners who advise you on ways to reduce the costs of your molds.
  • In order for precision and quality in the final result, it is important that you find the best specialists, as it is essential for the final appearance to be as expected in prototyping.
  • Injection moldings can take longer lead time than other processes.
  • Revisions in injection molds may not be easy to perform, as some details of the finished part may be modular, making changes impossible.
  • An overhaul may require the creation of a new mold, which can jeopardize the project, incurring additional costs.

What are the main advantages?

Now that you know some disadvantages of this process, know the main advantages of plastic injection:

  • Production in high quantity with an excellent cost-benefit. The implementation will be the biggest investment; however, the manufacture of the parts is carried out with greater optimization and quality. It can be dimensioned according to the needs of each client.
  • Injection mold produces a low amount of waste, which contributes significantly to the environment.
  • It has the possibility of using thousands of different resins, which have strength, quality, and durability.
  • Consistency in products, if you need to produce the same part for a long time, injection molding allows for consistent repeatability – in addition to offering an automated and optimized process.

The repeatability of the idealized product

Injection molds are tools that aim to produce compact plastic parts, whether in thermoplastic or thermoset materials. They are good at large-scale production in order to guarantee the repeatability of the idealized product. Injection mold‘s structure allows the construction of one or several cavities, which will define the number of pieces per hour associated with the cycle time.

The greater the number of cavities and the shorter the production time of the products, the greater the production, thus it reduces their cost.

The cavity is the negative part of the mold

It is what gives the molded product its external shape. Its main function is to form the external (visible) part of the part, together with the core. It is the most important part of the mold. The cavities come of excellent quality steel. They are P-20 (benefited steel), H-13 quenched, and tempered with hardness between 48-50 HRc.

Male Cavity

The core is the positive part of the injection molds, with the function of forming the inner part of the product. The molded product has holes or slots normal to the injection direction, these shapes model on the core. The taps, like the cavities, come with the above-mentioned excellent quality steel.

Modern Plastic, Cavities extracted from the software by the students of the 3D Mold Design course.  

  • Green: Matrix cavity
  • Blue: Product
  • Red: male cavity


In the male cavity, there must be extraction angles (product exit angle). The existence of this angle is of utmost importance. Hence, it is possible to release the product inside the cavity and also around the core. The software specialized in mold design has and provides tools for the analysis and rapid creation of this draft angle.


How to Save Money with Injection Mold Manufacturers in China?

Your main plastic injection molding problems will be solved at Tip-Top Molds

Today, injection mold manufacturer in China has separated some solutions for some problems in the plastic injection that may happen in production.

Plastic injection is growing in different sectors, from the manufacture of children’s toys, remote controls, to the development of automobile parts and military equipment. Please find out more about it now! With the expansion of this market, the demands also increase, and, consequently, doubts may arise.

The common process of Plastic injection molding

Plastic injection molding is a process that is being common on a large scale by different industries. For your satisfaction with the result, it is necessary to find the perfect specialized technical team as your partner!

Injection mold manufacturer in China knows that developing new products and management strategies is not an easy task, so being aware of solutions aimed at practicality and quality is essential. Today, we have separated some solutions for some problems in a plastic injection that may happen in production and that we easily solve here.

If you came here looking for solutions to problems in plastic injection, please follow our article!

Main objections to plastic injection

Plastic injection is inserted in different branches. This technique makes molds for plastic parts that are common in many segments: office items, furniture industry, household products and utensils, toys, automobile parts, among others.

However, hiring an injection mold manufacturer in China is not an easy task. So please know the main objections raised that can hinder you in this choice:

  • Low market commitment and lack of seriousness with the project;
  • Lack of different solutions in one place, in addition to difficulties in solving eventual problems;
  • Standardized services, without focusing on personalization and real customer needs;
  • Companies that do not have their own tools or effective production control.

It is essential to be aware of these criteria when hiring a company as your partner! It is also worth mentioning that the injection mold manufacturer in China should use state-of-the-art technological devices and must follow technical safety norms and standards.

It is also worth mentioning that the injection mold manufacturer in China uses state-of-the-art technological devices and must follow technical safety norms and standards.

In other words, you must be aware that whether the contracted company follows these technical standards. If they do, then there are guarantees of product quality and safety for employees.

Responsible plastic injection companies

When an industry hires a plastic injection company, it must be responsible for developing the entire process that involves plastic in the manufacture of the developed product.

This company must provide efficient production, with precise and innovative items, so that they meet customer demand. The injection mold manufacturer in China must present the following aspects so that there is good progress in the manufacturing process:

  • Precision;
  • Quality;
  • Productivity;
  • Economy;

In addition to ensuring that there is efficiency for employees to handle machinery correctly, as well as a good investment in quality technological devices.

Confidence and guarantee of accurate results

It is worth mentioning that a plastic injection company must convey confidence and guarantee the customer accurate results.

Therefore, to avoid problems in plastic injection, it is necessary to hire responsible companies that clarify all doubts regarding the product and the manufacturing process.

Discover our factory and how we solved all this here

If you’ve come this far, I’m sure you could understand the importance of being aware of the main aspects involving the plastic injection process. Therefore, it is very important for you to hire companies that offer solutions.

Injection mold manufacturer in China has solutions for plastic injection problems

We have our own tooling. In other words, we can guarantee effective control of the entire manufacturing process, avoiding problems with plastic injection.

We carry out the entire process involving plastic injection: There is no need to look for different suppliers; you can develop the product in one place. Our services involve pad printing, ultrasonic welding, painting, chrome plating, assembly, and handling of specific sets and finishes.

Quality throughout the entire process:

With specialized technical assistance, we have a physical, chemical, and dimensional analysis laboratory. Systematic technical inspection of the production line with statistical process control, in addition to regular optimization of inherent process failures.

This guarantees quality by injection mold manufacturers in China throughout the manufacture of the product, avoiding problems with the plastic injection that you would have in other companies out there.

Specialized technical service:

Our services focus on the real needs of the customer, in addition to clarifying all doubts raised. We work with transparency and quality!

Do you want to know how we can help you throughout the production chain? Or do you have other plastic injection problems that you need to resolve? It’s simple: talk to us and we’ll help you solve them all.

The plastic market is one of the most important in the world, engaged in many fields. the production of packaging. Components and products are common in practically all sectors for injection mold manufacturers in China.

The revolution in the production of injection molding

The discovery of synthetic plastic in the first half of the 20th century contributed to the revolution in production and consumption recorded in that period. The material facilitated and enabled the development of many of the solutions common in everyday life, in industrial, agricultural production, and so on.

A proof of the material’s relevance to modern life is that today there are more than 400 million tons produced in the world annually. A number that continues to grow as polymers develop and gain new uses.

The great villains of the environment

In recent decades, however, plastic has been identified as one of the great villains of the environment.

Polymers are among the most difficult to decompose raw materials. A pet bottle, for example, can take 200 to 600 years to decompose in nature. This scenario raises the question…

Can the plastic market be sustainable?

The transformations that have taken place in the world since the industrial revolution has been massive and intense. Injection mold manufacturer in China has advanced so fast, and life expectancy has increased so much. We have had so much access to products and solutions, and, of course, we have degraded the planet so much.

The emission of greenhouse gases and their effects on the climate is just part of the socio-environmental problems. Humanity needs to face in order to maintain Earth’s conditions favorable to life.

The production of waste is also a serious reason that causes the environmental problem. Hence, it needs to be taken with the same seriousness that we now dedicate to the climate.

Increase in industrial production by injection mold manufacturers in China

With the increasing use of polymers in the production of parts, components, products, and packaging. They have become one of the main groups of waste that are discarded around the world on a daily basis.

In the last 65 years, of the 8.3 billion tons of plastic produced, about 6.3 billion tons were turned into waste.

Due to the difficult decomposition of the material when in nature today. Plastic waste appears as one of the greatest environmental risks. It is so severe that studies estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish.

The good news about the plastics market and sustainability

The good news is that the material has unique characteristics. It makes injection mold manufacturers in China possible to turn this scenario around and make the plastic market part of the sustainable chain.